Book details / order |
This book provides an overview of the major players of the industry, an explanation of the existing telecom infrastructure, and the structure and tools available to most small to medium-sized businesses. it helps readers identify the telecom services that are best suited to their needs, understand billing, and troubleshoot problems. it also delves into important industry trends, such as voip, and how they affect and/or can be applied to your business to help you save money and resources.
?? the abcs of telecom service
?? reviewing telecom products and prices
?? ordering and setting up telecom service
?? taking care of your telecom system
?? what’s hot (or just geeky) in the telecom world
?? the part of tens
Author : Stephen p.olejniczak
Publication : Wiley
Isbn : 8126500670
Store book number : 100
NRS 480.00