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Ready to build apps for iphone, ipad, and mac now that swift has landed? if you’re an experienced programmer who’s never touched apple developer tools, this hands-on book shows you how to use the swift language to make incredible ios and os x apps, using cocoa and cocoa touch.
learn how to use swift in a wide range of real-world situations, with cocoa features such as event kit and core animation. you’ll pick up swift language features and syntax along the way, and understand why using swift (instead of objective-c) makes ios and mac app development easier, faster, and safer.
you’ll also work with several exercises to help you practice as you learn.
learn the os x and ios application lifecycle
use storyboards to design adaptive interfaces
explore graphics systems, including the built-in 2d and 3d game frameworks
display video and audio with avfoundation
store data locally with the file system, or on the network with icloud
display lists or collections of data with table views and collection views
build apps that let users create, edit, and work with documents
use mapkit, core location, and core motion to interact with the world
about the authors
jon manning is the co-founder of secret lab, an independent game development studio based in hobart, tasmania, australia. jon manning is a game designer and programmer who’s worked on all kinds of projects, ranging from ipad games for children to instant messaging clients. jon is about to submit a phd exploring the manipulation of online social networks.jon is the world’s biggest horse_ebooks fan (https://twitter.com/horse_ebooks), and can be found on twitter as @desplesda.
paris buttfield-addison is a mobile app engineer, game designer, and researcher with a passion for making technology simpler and as engaging as possible. paris recently submitted a phd investigating how people use tablets for information management.
tim nugent pretends to be a mobile app developer, game designer, phd student, and now he even pretends to be an author. when he isn't busy avoiding being found out as a fraud, he spends most of his time designing and creating little apps and games he won't let anyone see. tim spent a disproportionately long time writing this tiny little bio, most of which was spent trying to stick a witty sci-fi reference in, before he simply gave up. tim can be found as @the_mcjones on twitter.
chapter 1. cocoa development tools
the mac and ios developer programs
creating your first project with xcode
developing a simple swift application
using the ios simulator
testing ios apps with testflight
chapter 2. programming with swift
the swift programming language
variables and constants
control flow
functions and closures
interoperating with objective-c
using objective-c and swift in the same project
memory management
working with strings
design patterns in cocoa
chapter 3. applications on os x and ios
what is an application?
the application life cycle
the application sandbox
notifications with nsnotification
chapter 4. graphical user interfaces
interfaces in os x and ios
mvc and application design
nib files and storyboards
constructing an interface
building an app with nibs and constraints
interfaces on ios
ui dynamics
core animation
chapter 5. closures and operation queues
closures in cocoa
concurrency with operation queues
operation queues and nsoperation
performing work on operation queues
putting it all together
chapter 6. drawing graphics in views
how drawing works
the pixel grid
drawing in views
building a custom view
chapter 7. spritekit
spritekit’s architecture
making an app that uses spritekit
working with spritekit scenes
spritekit nodes
putting sprites in scenes
responding to touches
working with textures
texture atlases
working with text
animating content with actions
using shape nodes
using image effect nodes
adding physics to spritekit objects
adding joints to spritekit objects
lighting spritekit scenes
using shaders in spritekit
using spritekit editor
chapter 8. scenekit
scenekit structure
working with scenekit
adding a scenekit view
adding a scene
adding a camera
adding a 3d object
adding lights
animating content in the scene
creating text geometry
working with materials
hit testing
loading data from collada files
adding physics to the scene
chapter 9. audio and video
av foundation
playing video with avplayer
speech synthesis
working with the photo library
chapter 10. icloud and data storage
working with the filesystem
working with the sandbox
what icloud stores
setting up for icloud
testing whether icloud works
storing settings
icloud storage
document pickers
using icloud well
chapter 11. cocoa bindings
binding views to models
a simple bindings app
binding to controllers
array and object controllers
a more complex bindings app
chapter 12. table views and collection views
data sources and delegates
table views
collection views
chapter 13. document-based applications
the nsdocument and uidocument classes
document objects in mvc
document-based applications on os x
document-based applications on ios
chapter 14. networking
building a networked application
bonjour service discovery
multipeer connectivity
chapter 15. working with the real world
working with location
region monitoring and ibeacons
locations and privacy
device motion
printing documents
game controllers
app nap
authenticating using touch id
chapter 16. eventkit
understanding events
accessing the event store
accessing calendars
accessing events
working with events
building an events application
user privacy
chapter 17. instruments and the debugger
getting started with instruments
fixing problems using instruments
retain cycles and leaks
using the debugger
view debugging
the testing framework
debug gauges
performance optimization
chapter 18. sharing and notifications
sharing on ios
sharing on os x
sending push notifications
setting up to receive push notifications
receiving push notifications
local notifications
chapter 19. nonstandard apps
command-line tools
preference panes
status bar items
ios apps with multiple windows
chapter 20. working with text
internationalization and localization
formatting data with nsformatter
formatting numbers, lengths, mass, energy, and data
detecting data with nsdatadetector
Author : Paris buttfield-addison, tim nugent, jonathon mann
Publication : Oreilly
Isbn : 9789351109310
Store book number : 105
NRS 1360.00