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Php, apache, and mysql are the three key open source technologies that form the basis for most active web servers. this book takes the reader step-by-step through understanding each component - using it and combining it with the others on both linux and windows servers. beginning php 6, apache, and mysql 6 guide the reader through the process of creating dynamic, data-driven sites, using the open source "amp" model: apache web server, the mysql database system, and the php scripting language. the team of expert authors cover topics including: new features of php 6 and mysql 6, php scripting, database management, security, integration, e-commerce functions, and provide a complete syntax reference.
1. configuring your installation. 2. creating php pages using php6. 3. using php6 with mysql. 4. using tables to display data. 5. form elements: letting the user work with data. 6. letting the user edit the database. 7. manipulating and creating images with php. 8. validating user input. 9. handling and avoiding errors. 10. building databases. 11. sending email. 12. user logins, profiles, and personalization. 13. building a content management system. 14. mailing lists. 15. online stores. 16. creating a bulletin board system. 17. using log files to improve your site. 18. troubleshooting. appendix a. answers to exercises. appendix b. php quick reference. appendix c. php 6 functions. appendix d. mysql data types. appendix e. mysql quick reference. appendix f. comparison of text editors. appendix g. choosing a third party host. appendix h. an introduction to pear. appendix i. amp installation. index.
Author : Timothy boronczyk, elizabeth naramore, jason gerne
Publication : Wrox
Isbn : 9788126521227
Store book number : 107
NRS 1200.00